The Orange County Space Society was founded in June 1990. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to public education which contributes to the exploration, settlement, and development of space for all humanity. Our goal is to create a spacefaring civilization in our lifetimes.


OCSS contact:


Michelle Evans


OCSS Meeting Details


Our OCSS Summer Party is at Knowlwoods in Irvine, and the Holiday Party is at North Woods Restaurant in La Mirada.


Upcoming Event Dates:


Saturday, 7 December 2024: Holiday Party!

(2:00 pm at North Woods Restaurant, La Mirada)


Saturday, 15 March 2025: Quarterly Get-Together

(2:00 pm at Knowlwood Restaurant, Irvine)


Saturday, 19 July 2025: Apollo 11 56th Anniversary Celebration!

(2:00 pm at Knowlwood Restaurant, Irvine)


Saturday, 18 October 2025: Quarterly Get-Together

(2:00 pm at Knowlwood Restaurant, Irvine)

— Maps to Meetings and Events —

Knowlwood Restaurant

14952 Sand Canyon Ave., Irvine, CA 92618

Long Beach Science Fair

Cabrillo High School, 2001 Santa Fe, Long Beach, CA

North Woods Inn Restaurant

14305 Firestone Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638