Following the District Court's ruling on Proposition 8, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Judge Walker's decision, paving the way for Prop. 8 to be heard at the Supreme Court. Other lawsuits concerning marriage equality were also moving through the courts, most significantly a challenge to DOMA (the very misnamed Defense of Marriage Act). In March 2013 the arguments were made at the Supreme Court, and the court's decisions were handed down on Wednesday, June 26, 2013. Both decisions were 5 to 4. In the case of Prop. 8, the ruling stated that the group defending the law had no right to appeal and thus it was dismissed, allowing the District Court ruling to go into force negating Prop. 8 from the books. In the DOMA decision, it was ruled that Section 3 of DOMA was unconstitutional. This meant that the law banning legally married LGBT couples from obtaining federal recognition and benefits from their marriages was struck down, hopefully paving the way for full marriage equality throughout the United States in the next few years.
Like with the Day of Decision in 2010 after the District Court ruling, another rally was held in Santa Ana, this time on the steps of the Old Courthouse. It was bigger and much more festive because Prop. 8 and Section 3 of DOMA are now and forever gone! A wonderful day to be celebrated by all people who want dignity, respect, and equality for all American citizens.
Equality on Trial