Hugh Bikle proudly stands in front of his father Paul's record setting Schweizer SGS 1-23E.

The glider is located at Hugh's Vintage Aircraft Museum at the airport in Hollister, California.

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Various views of Bikle's glider, both on the hangar floor and hanging in its rightful place above the other aircraft in the museum.

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Hugh with a photo of him as a boy, with the Schweizer.

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Paul in the cockpit of the Schweizer, talks with a friend on the tarmac.

courtesy of High Bikle

The Schweizer being hoisted back toward the celing in Hugh's museum hangar.

photo by author

— Paul Bikle vintage photographs —


all photos Hugh Bikle collection

Paul Bikle and his family.

Paul checking out a cockpit.

On 18 July 1962, Paul Bikle received a NASA Outstanding Leadership award from President Lyndon B. Johnson. These two photos have Bikle showing LBJ around the Edwards tarmac.

Paul checks out a model of the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle.

Hugh Bikle at the controls of his first glider.

Six of the X-15 pilots and their director, Paul Bikle, hold their John J. Montgomery awards.

Back row: Scott Crossfield, Joe Walker, Jack McKay, and Forrest Petersen

Front row: Neil Armstrong, Robert White (holding North American X-15 contractor model), and Paul Bikle.

Paul Bikle surrounded by a cadre of X-15 pilots (L-R): Joe Engle, Milt Thompson, Robert Rushworth, Pete Knight, Jack McKay, and Bill Dana.

The X-15A-2 is behind the group.