TGR is an all-inclusive transgender support group which provides support to anyone who is transgender, a family member or spouse, friend, ally, or just wants to understand.


Transgender includes anyone with Gender Incongruence:


Gender Fluid, Trans Female, Questioning, Trans Male,

Non-Binary, Intersex, Gender Queer or Non-Conforming...


3rd Friday of each month, 7:30 to 9:30 pm


Church of the Foothills, 19211 Dodge Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705, 949-770-0702


TG Rainbow is a support group born out of the need for transgender people, and those who care about them, to have a safe place to go, to be heard, to talk, to learn, to understand.


Although we meet at the Church of the Foothills in Tustin, this is not a group affliliated with any religion. Anyone, of any faith, or no religion at all, is always welcome to participate.


See below for further information, links to other LGBT resources, and location maps. To the right is a list of the principles by which TG Rainbow operates.


TG Rainbow contact:


Michelle Evans


Virtual and In-Person Meetings:


Due to the popularity of our virtual meetings, there will be one virtual meeting each month in addition to our in-person meeting.


Online meetings via Zoom video will take place on the 1st Friday starting at 7:30 pm, with in-person meetings on the 3rd Friday. See below left for schedule as dates can change.

Please contact me at for any questions.


Support Group Meeting Details


We normally meet on the 3rd Friday evening of each month. Circumstances may change, so always be sure to look at the schedule below. For in-person meetigs, the room will be open from 7:00 pm for early arrivals, with the meeting running from 7:30 to approximately 9:30 pm.


Upcoming Meeting and Event Dates:


March 7Virtual Zoom Meeting

March 21In-Person

April 4Virtual Zoom Meeting

April 18In-Person

May 2Virtual Zoom Meeting

May 16In-Person


Life Coach Anita K has offered her services to TGR members. In addition to joining us at most meetings to share her expertise, please contact her with concerns about issues affecting your life.

TG Rainbow Support Group Principles


We do not discriminate in any way against anyone. All are welcome. The transgender spectrum is a varied one, from cross dressers to the surgically gender-affirmed, or anyone who is gender non-conforming. Our choices at what time in our lives to deal with these issues will vary greatly. Anyone, of any age, or of any definition of gender, will always be shown respect. We all have a different and unique journey to accomplish in our lives. TGR exists to support that journey.


Gender affirmation is essential. Anyone who purposefully or maliciously misgenders anyone will be asked to leave TGR.


Confidentiality will be maintained at all times. What happens in TGR, stays in TGR. Sharing of feelings and experiences are always encouraged. That is what support means.


Intolerance will not be tolerated. We are about love and acceptance. No one must ever feel pressure of being forced down any specific path with regard to their lives and their gender identity. As a caveat to this, if someone does create a disturbance, we will ask for it to stop. If it repeats, a warning will be issued. If it still continues, then the person may be asked to leave for the well being of the rest of the group.


Being a spouse, parent, family member, or friend of a transgender person can be difficult. We are here to provide support and understanding in dealing with this situation in someone they love.


Allies are important, but also must understand why they attend. TG Rainbow exists for trans people, but as stated above, allies are always welcome. However, allies must know that they should always be mindful of the trans people they support. Without being trans, it is often difficult to understand what we face every day of our lives.


We will encourage the friendly and informative exchange of ideas. No subject will be off limits for discussion as long as there is interest among participants, and the exchange does not denigrate nor attack anyone within the group. Respect will always be shown to everyone.


Religion and politics often impact those who are transgender. We know that many in politics and religion fully support the trans community, while others do not. Thus, unlike many groups, politics and religion may be openly discussed. However, we must be mindful of people's beliefs, and discussions of these topics should focus on specific difficulties affecting this community.


We must understand that some topics may have to be off limits at certain times because of the age of those present.


We support friendship and networking among all of our members. However our function is as a support group and not as a social meeting and dating group. In addition, we are not a medically-licensed therapy group, although we do sometimes have those qualified people present at meetings to offer their expertise.


• We are not here to support any specific product nor to sell anything to our members. We may exchange information on products, organizations, and facilities that are friendly (or not friendly) to our community.


We are fully supported by the Church of the Foothills. However, as stated previously, we are not a religious organization. Because of their support and use of their facilities we may ask for donations to help them defray the costs for our meetings, such as electricity and janitorial services. Donations will always be voluntary and never be required to attend any meeting.

Special Resources


Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860


Linda Reeves, WPATH Certified Gender Therapist


Resources and Expert Advice for LGBT College Students


Resources for Transgender College Students


College Scholarships for LGBT Students

Links and Partners


Trans Ed 101


Trans Health Care At Risk Article



Dr. Phil Attacks Transgender Athletes Article


TG Rainbow Facebook Group



Kaiser Trans Support Groups




To Be TG (TGR on YouTube)



Orange County PFLAG


PFLAG National


World Professional Association for Transgender Health


Transgender Law Center


OC Human Relations Awards 45


Newsweek: 13 November 2015


OC Register: 12 June 2016


Pulse Nightclub


LGBT Astronauts Article


Out Astronaut Project


Jenner Interview Article


Gender Path


LGBT in Aerospace


Day of Decision 4 August 2010


Day of Decision 26 June 2013

— Maps to Meeting —

Church of the Foothills, 19211 Dodge Ave., Santa Ana 92705 (at the corner of Newport and Dodge)

Note on Parking


On your left, as you approach the church from Newport, and just before getting to Dodge, make a left turn into the preferred church parking area for our meetings. There is a handicap ramp leading to a door, which will take you directly into our meeting room.

The image above shows exactly where the entrance is located. Go up the ramp to the door of our meeting room.

— Our TG Rainbow Postcard —